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Top 20 Diverse Enterprise and Business Solutions Developed by Artkai Team

June 27, 2024

Top 20 Diverse Enterprise and Business Solutions Developed by Artkai Team

On this page:

20 cases to demonstrate Artkai’s development approach

AI-powered human capital management solution

Cruitment - SaaS platform for recruitment

Adverty- Advertising platform for VR & AR content

SaaS for digital advertising

Beverage X - e-commerce platform with advanced inventory management 

Bottlebids - A Marketplace for Whisky Drams

Platform for Antique dealers

A digital environment for the medical specialists 

SyrEx - Online data management & visualization system

Innovative E-learning platform

An all-in-one solution for the travel industry

KMC - Unified IoT platform

DTEK - Digital Transformation for Energy Sector Enterprise

ERP system for solar energy management

CarDrop - Online Marketplace For Used Cars

Cordic - Mobile app for English taxi fleets

Auto Access - Digitalization and complete UX redesign

CRM for real estate - Real Estate marketplace 

iFunded - An Investment Platform for Real Estate

Wrapping up

The enterprise software market, growing over 10% annually, is the fastest-growing segment in IT. This software addresses organizational needs, enhancing core business processes. Sub-segments like Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) have become significant markets. According to Statista, CRM software, which improves interactions with current and future customers, is expected to generate over $55 billion in 2024. ERP software, focusing on data collection and interpretation, is forecasted to reach $107 billion in revenue.

Enterprise software boosts efficiency and productivity and gives businesses a competitive edge. Companies of all sizes and industries use it. Tech-driven projects and improved IT budgets drive market growth in 2024. Additionally, the trend toward data-centric solutions enhances business standards and data accessibility, leading to market expansion. Because of its precision and productivity benefits, enterprise software is widely adopted. Moreover, the need for high-level IT projects globally is expected to accelerate market growth in the coming years.


At Artkai, we have extensive experience in developing enterprise software solutions tailored to various business needs. We have compiled a selection of our top 20 case studies, which showcase our approach and the tangible benefits our clients have achieved. You can explore below how our expertise can help your business thrive in the rapidly growing enterprise software market.

20 cases to demonstrate Artkai’s development approach

AI-powered human capital management solution


About the project and business

Our client, a US oil and energy company with 10K employees, wanted a custom AI-powered human capital management solution. It needed to:

  • Encourage skill development
  • Motivate career growth
  • Reward goal achievement
  • Track core HR metrics
  • Identify areas for improvement

The solution should support HR managers and employees, featuring gamification, achievements, IoT tracking, and surveys. 

Development objectives and challenges

The project was complex. Artkai's main tasks were to define the product vision and objectives, prepare requirements, and create a roadmap with prioritized features. We developed and released an MVP of the HR platform with core AI-powered features. Then, we gathered feedback from employees and managers. After that, our team scaled and improved the MVP based on the feedback.

Development process

The project lasted 6 months for discovery & design phase and 9 months for development and testing.

We selected a microservices architecture to optimize app performance, maintenance, and costs. Most services were built with Node.js/Nest.js, while AI-related services used Python for its power and robustness. We utilized cloud services like AWS Lambda, AWS S3, and AWS Elemental MediaConvert, and chose Amazon RDS and Amazon MQ for data storage.

The platform includes a public web UI for users without the mobile app and a web-based content management tool for the back office. We selected React for these web apps, with Next.js for server-side rendering to ensure SEO-friendly public content. This combination ensures the development of stable, fast, and engaging web apps.


It took us 10 months to build a solid MVP of an HR platform for our client. Currently, thousands of employees at Quantum Energy are testing it. We have received positive feedback from both the users and our client. Our client plans to scale the MVP into a full product and add more AI-powered features in 2024, so our cooperation continues.

Cruitment - SaaS platform for recruitment


About the project and business

Cruitment is a SaaS platform designed to manage career pages and candidate pipelines for each job. Research showed that this concept has often been used to scam people. Therefore, one of our key tasks was to relaunch the existing market with new technology, creating a user-centric, reliable system that people can trust and benefit from.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai's main tasks were to create a new visual identity for the brand and to build a SaaS platform with two separate user flows: one for recruiters and one for candidates, each designed to address their specific needs.

Development process

The project took 2.5 months for research and design and 6 months for development and QA. We built the app based on user needs, closely collaborating with stakeholders.

For Recruiters, our team built functionality such as a customizable pipeline, Kanban board, pin function, customizable reports, and adjustable notifications.

For Candidates, the platform provides job search, interview applications, and feedback reviews.

We created a new brand Identity for the platform with clear design and color coding. Our font choice reflects professionalism. Marketing materials included a promo website and illustrations. Read more about this case here.


We tripled the pool of candidates, doubled the number of accepted offers, and reduced the Cost per Applicant (CPA) by 1.5 times on average among recruitment teams.

Adverty- Advertising platform for VR & AR content


About the project and business

Adverty is a leading in-game platform connecting brands and people through innovative display advertising technology tailored for games. Founded in 2016, Adverty offers scaleable in-game ad inventory and enables content creators to monetize their experiences with immersive, unobtrusive ads. With offices in Stockholm, London, New York, Madrid, Helsinki, and Lviv, Adverty collaborates with advertisers, agencies, and developers to unlock gaming revenue streams.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai’s team needed to design and develop an advertising platform for AR & VR native ads that is user-friendly for all proficiency levels. Also, we had to improve and redesign the marketing website to make it mobile-friendly. 

Development process

The project took 3 months for discovery and design and 5.5 months for development and QA.

We separated user flows, delivered different functionality for advertiser and publisher, redesigned website, and created mobile version.

As a result, advertisers can create and manage campaigns, set budgets, target audiences, and post ads. The dashboard provides complete campaign performance insights, and real-time tracking allows adjustments based on data.

Publishers can add apps and earn money from ad interactions. Adverty's algorithm uses the user's field of view during gameplay, providing clear ad performance reports.

Our team design features glowing elements and multilayered visuals, enhancing the user experience. The marketing website emphasizes VR as an "additional layer" of reality, offering a fascinating virtual world for brand advertising.

We also developed a mobile version to ensure quick access to all features. You can read more about this case here.


Our UX-focused approach and deep understanding of business needs allowed us to create a product with an innovative interface that drives user engagement and interaction.

More importantly, we shifted the client's focus from platform integrity to profit potential, convincing investors of the project's immense potential.

SaaS for digital advertising


About the project and business

Our clients were experienced in digital advertising and had a big idea to revolutionize the industry. Even though online advertising was popular, there weren't easy ways to streamline the process. Advertisers had to deal with each site separately. Managers manually filled a client database and used random services for communication and task tracking. Plus, pricing for ads was unclear.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai's task was to create a solution that could unite advertising platforms, manage money withdrawals, and streamline document processing. We designed and developed a SaaS platform to automate ad buying and tracking processes. Additionally, our team crafted a custom Admin Panel to facilitate task management for the product team.

Development process

The project took 4 months for research and design and 12+ months for development and QA.

Our main focus was to streamline advertising campaign management. We created a marketplace aggregating 100+ platforms, along with task tracking, a control center for agencies, and document templates. We developed a custom admin panel with roles for account managers and admins. Our approach included microservices for scalability and constant testing to refine features based on user feedback.

You can read more about this case here.


After two integrations during the four months, we made the tool available to the public. Since then, the number of users, vendors, and funds spent on ad campaigns has consistently grown every month. Currently, the platform has 685 of platform users and is capable to complete 3000+ tasks per month.

Beverage X - e-commerce platform with advanced inventory management 


About the project and business

Our clients were experienced in digital advertising and had a big idea to revolutionize the industry. Even though online advertising was popular, there weren't easy ways to streamline the process. Advertisers had to deal with each site separately. Managers manually filled a client database and used random services for communication and task tracking. Plus, pricing for ads was unclear.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai's task was to create a solution that could unite advertising platforms, manage money withdrawals, and streamline document processing. We designed and developed a SaaS platform to automate ad buying and tracking processes. Additionally, our team crafted a custom Admin Panel to facilitate task management for the product team.

Development process

The project took 4 months for research and design and 12+ months for development and QA.

Our main focus was to streamline advertising campaign management. We created a marketplace aggregating 100+ platforms, along with task tracking, a control center for agencies, and document templates. We developed a custom admin panel with roles for account managers and admins. Our development approach included microservices for scalability and constant testing to refine features based on user feedback.

You can read more about this case here.


We delivered a solution that connected retailers, distributors, suppliers, and brands. It enabled easy ordering and product management, improved crowdsourcing for private labels, and allowed tracking of sales and market trends.

Bottlebids - A Marketplace for Whisky Drams


About the project and business

Bottlebits is a global digital community where members can acquire Drams of rare whisky bottles. A "Dram" is a single serving of whisky, typically 5ml. Each Dram grants users access to a digital bottle they can collect and share with friends in their digital bar. This platform offers real-life analogs of Drams, which can be held as non-fungible tokens or exchanged for actual whisky.

Development objectives and challenges

Our team had to build a marketplace that combines best practices from the traditional offline industry and innovative blockchain platform. The biggest challenge was to transform the offline model of collecting and consuming physical products into a unique digital experience. 

Development process

The project took 3 months for research and design and 6 months for development and QA. 

Artkai developed a unique "Dramification" feature that enables users to purchase 'Drams' of rare whisky bottles. We implemented key features that included eBar & eBottle for virtual storage and exploration, NFT integration for bottle ownership, Marketplace for brand engagement, and seamless Payments. Focusing on user experience, we crafted a journey with stages like Introduction, Online purchase, Experience, and Culmination to improve community engagement and responsibility. Read more about this interesting case study here.


The Beta launch of the platform proved that traditional offline industries could be easily digitized and bring many benefits to businesses. Users' active growth confirmed this fact and opened the conversation with investors. In numbers, 16,500+ users got access to Beta-version and 4,000+ unique drams were sold through the platform. The nearest plans are to raise the next round of investments and launch the "Drink the Dram" experience, which will be held at a special location for members to join, either in person or from home.

Platform for Antique dealers


About the project and business

The client aims to support and inspire everyone in the art, vintage, and antique industry.

Posting inventory on multiple online marketplaces is tedious and time-consuming, taking up to 30 hours per week for sellers.

Our solution, the eCommerce Manager (eCM), simplifies this process. It allows sellers to manage listings across multiple platforms from one place, saving them time and effort.

Designed for sellers with ever-changing stock, the eCM supports 19 different marketplaces, making stock management easy both online and offline.

Development objectives and challenges

Our task was to develop a fresh visual identity and marketing website for the brand. We also built a new inventory and multi-marketplace management platform from scratch. It's user-friendly for both sellers and buyers, catering to their specific needs.

Development process

The project took 4.5 months for research and design and 10 months for development and QA. 

During our research, we focused on understanding our client's goals and user habits. We found key pain points like difficulty finding lost items and manual inventory management for dealers. 

For buyers, we aimed for an optimized search, secure transactions, and access to vetted dealers without extra fees. Sellers needed universal inventory management and seamless connections to multiple marketplaces.

Our solution, the eCommerce Manager (eCM), streamlines inventory management across various platforms, saving time for clients. Read more about this interesting case study here.


The platform got capacity to catalog over 112,000 items in the eCM inventory, manage 19 marketplaces, and handle inventory worth $536 million. With over 12,000 marketplace postings and updates managed, the client received positive feedback from 60 dealers who used the site. Overall, the value of one-of-a-kind, rare, and antique pieces worldwide reached an impressive $1.62 trillion.

A digital environment for the medical specialists 


About the project and business

The leading healthcare enterprise with 125-year history, Roche Switzerland, came to us with HCP Portal - a digital environment for the medical specialists where they can find information about Roche products and all the possible supporting materials. The portal was outdated and had no practical appliance for neither Roche representatives nor medical specialists.

Development objectives and challenges

Our task was to identify the reason of the low traffic on the portal come with a strategy of its increase and redesign the solution.

Development process

We began by interviewing around 15 project stakeholders to understand the portal's issues from various perspectives and identify common themes for our study. Next, we engaged in live communication with users interested in the portal's development, helping us empathize with common use cases and gain valuable insights.

During quarantine lockdown, we held an interactive online session with 30+ participants over several days. These sessions were focused on identifying potential improvements and growth directions for the portal. Our team analyzed the collected data and diagnosed the current solution's pain points. Based on real user data, we proposed a redesign strategy to address these issues.

In the final stage, we transformed our qualitative and conceptual findings into concrete, actionable steps for the redesign, forming the components of our backlog.

SyrEx - Online data management & visualization system

case11 (1)

About the project and business

The clients needed an online data management and visualization system that provides universal access to real-time information on spread of socially dangerous diseases (HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, etc). 

Development objectives and challenges

The challenge was to build an intuitive interface that will help analystsof the major charitable NGO’s, Alliance for Public Health, eventually give up time-consuming paperwork and replace Excel or any similar tool to SyrEx.

Development process

First, we conducted initial data analysis. Then, we built data structure and established various user scenarios, given that the system has to be flexible to different types of data. After that, we customized visualization solution through a dashboard to meet the needs of both SyrEx and Alliance for Public Health.

Our team developed a unique solution with linear and spatial data and a tree visualization to easily withdraw information on health status of every family member. We have also built a landing page to present all product’s features and possibilities. 


Artkai’s team developed a solution that allows real-time analysis, storage and visualization of data in one place. The client was capable to reach 250,000 people in 39 countries over the world annually and avert 50,000 HIV infections. 

Innovative E-learning platform


About the project and business

The client had an e-learning platform for UK universities and business schools to help students generate and validate business ideas, build business model canvases, and receive feedback. Despite its potential, student engagement was low. The client sought our help to audit and redesign the platform to make it more user-friendly and engaging. This marked the start of our collaboration.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai's team had to conduct a platform audit and user research to enhance the platform's experience and expand its features. We also needed to improve the usability and UX of the e-learning platform and implement engaging features, such as a Team Play experience, to attract more students and business schools.

Development process

The project took 3 months for discovery & design and 4 months for development & testing.

We developed key features of the platform which include brainstorming templates for generating six-plus business ideas, a Lean Startup tool for testing assumptions and gathering feedback, and a canvas builder for creating and visualizing business model canvases in real-time. Customizable portfolios can be created through a guided questionnaire.

An advanced admin panel for teachers and lecturers offers dashboards and insights to monitor student activity, generate reports, analyze ideas, and track test completion rates.

To ensure high performance and easy maintenance, we used TypeScript with React for development, Amazon AWS for cloud services, Swagger for API documentation, and REST API for communication. PostgreSQL and MongoDB handle various data types. Our goal was to provide a smart tool for students to visualize startup ideas and create business development plans.

You can read more about this case here.


We redesigned the e-learning platform to be more engaging, user-friendly, and functional, adding valuable features for students and teachers. It has been successfully launched and tested by thousands of business school students, receiving positive feedback. The client informed us that several major business schools plan to integrate this software into their programs.

An all-in-one solution for the travel industry


About the project and business

Our client, with over a decade of experience working with B2B providers like tour guides and park managers, saw a need for a booking solution focused on providers. They aimed to create a tool to revolutionize the industry by expanding B2B opportunities. Artkai was enlisted to develop a sophisticated booking platform with operational and marketing tools, combining our technical expertise with the client's industry knowledge.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai's team had to design a user-friendly booking platform for booking tours and leisure activities. Also, we needed to create inventory management and CRM tools for businesses to fully control their bookings, availability, pricing, and payments. Finally, our team had to build integrations with leading Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) to expand the reach and attract more customers.

Development process

The project took 7 months for discovery and design and 12+ months for development and testing.

The platform needed a user-friendly interface for customers to easily search, book, and pay for tours and activities. It also required an extended version for businesses to manage operations in one place. Our team added CRM, inventory management, reporting, and analytics tools to help businesses track performance and identify improvements. Additionally, we integrated the platform with leading OTAs like Expedia, Viator, and GetYourGuide. This allowed tour providers to manage their inventory across multiple channels and provide OTAs with real-time updates.

You can read more about this case here.


After a year of development, the platform has gained over 200 B2B providers and facilitated 10,000 bookings. Clients have seen a 30% revenue increase, proving its success in driving business growth.

KMC - Unified IoT platform


About the project and business

The client is KMC Controls, an independent American manufacturer of open, secure, and scalable building automation and technology solutions. They needed to build a unified IoT platform that helps control air quality, humidity, and temperature inside commercial buildings. 

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai had to perform the audit of the current solution to propose the step to step redesign action plan. Then, we needed to build a universal, easy-to-use, modern and flexible solution that can be seamlessly tailored to the client's scale. Also, we had to make the system dashboard easy to perceive, so not technologically savvy users conveniently make informed decisions based on the received metrics.

Development process

Despite challenges aligning stakeholders' visions and outdated systems, we conducted an eight-month research and design phase, followed by over 12 months of development. 

Our strategy included client interviews, persona creation, backlog preparation, and the development of visual concepts and clickable prototypes. Leveraging React, Vue Native, and Node, we redesigned the system's dashboard, enabling customization, plugin integration, and intuitive onboarding.

Read more about this case here. 


The improved platform now has open protocol communication, user-friendly dashboards, system schedules, and robust security features. As a result, KMC Commander has become a leading smart building ecosystem, experiencing a 35% increase in average users and a 1.5x decrease in churn rate. Due to efficient scaling, they attract prominent partners like Intel and Amazon.

DTEK - Digital Transformation for Energy Sector Enterprise


About the project and business

DTEK is the largest Ukrainian energy distribution system operator with a goal to advance the health and prosperity of Ukrainian society. They came to us with an objective to simplify electric bill management and payment systems for their platform with 6 million users .

Artkai helped DTEK’s platform to execute an agile, digitally informed, and design-focused solution.

Development objectives and challenges

The main challenge was in platform’s load, as we needed to deliver stable performance for a platform with over 1 million users per day. Artkai’s team had to build an online customer portal with a multifunctional, intuitive interface, meeting high security and fault tolerance standards. It aimed to improve Customer Experience, reduce support center calls, paper consumption, and operational costs while being user-friendly for all.

Development process

The project took 4 months for discovery and design and 12 months for development and testing.

We developed a solution architecture for efficient information exchange, load distribution, and secure data storage. Interviews and workshops with the DTEK team helped understand customer business objectives. The platform enables energy management, electronic billing, and self-service options. Additionally, we designed a user-centric interface to accommodate the needs of different age groups within the target audience.

Read more about this case here. 


The project resulted in a 1.5x increase in concluded contracts for electricity consumption, a 3x increase in Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT), and a 3x reduction in requests to the customer support center.

ERP system for solar energy management


About the project and business

Artkai team was challenged to build an ERP tool that would tie every aspect of solar energy management together and make the life of owners, investors, and managers easier.

Development objectives and challenges

We had to build an ERP solution to integrate core tools into a single, user-friendly ecosystem. Our goal was to create a centralized system for increased efficiency, collaboration, and informed decision-making while reducing manual processes.

Development process

The project took 6 months for discovery and design and 12+ months for development and testing.

Our team defined main roles and scenarios using the Jobs To Be Done framework. Then, we created a User Story Map as the foundation for the initial Backlog. We developed a Design System solution to expedite design and development. Finally, we designed the interface with a flexible module system, supported by a BPMN diagram to reflect all system processes and interactions. Our modular system became the central point for managing all solar field data, allowing users to easily navigate between modules and seamlessly switch between projects.

Read the full case here. 


During the private beta launch, the product had up to 1000 active users, including Asset Managers, Developers, Investors, and O&M Providers. Currently, we are refining integrations and preparing for the public launch of the second product iteration.

CarDrop - Online Marketplace For Used Cars


About the project and business

CarDrop is a Swedish startup aimed to reinvent the car selling and buying experience. The idea was to bring the market to a new place — online. Artkai helped them build the first nationwide online marketplace for car trades with minimal physical engagement from users.

Development objectives and challenges

We had to create a new Visual Identity for the brand and marketing website to support the product. Then, we needed to build a Web-based Marketplace with two separate branches of user flow - sellers and buyers. 

Development process

The project took 3 months for discovery and design and 6 months for development and testing.

We thoroughly studied CarDrop's customers, understanding their needs, goals, pain points, and typical buying cycles. Our research revealed that existing selling and buying processes were risky, confusing, and frustrating.

We introduced two user flows for sellers and buyers, providing step-by-step instructions tailored to their needs. Additionally, we developed a clean, minimalistic identity that emphasizes CarDrop's core purpose and the value of simplicity.

Read the full case here. 


With greatly simplified user flows and a clear, intuitive interface, Cardrop offers the best deals with minimal effort and zero risk.

Cordic - Mobile app for English taxi fleets


About the project and business

Cordic is a top fleet management SaaS provider for UK taxis. Over 60 English cab companies joined Cordic a few years ago, forming a robust job pool to compete with Uber and other giants. 

Development objectives and challenges

We had to develop a white-label cross-platform mobile app that is easily adaptable and highly functional across different devices and screens. The app needed to be up-to-date, feature-rich, and modern, focusing on critical driver needs. 

Development process

The project took 4 months for discovery and design and 8 months for development and testing.

Our team developed simplified authorization and bidding processes, along with a distraction-free driving journey. The finance and performance management section offers now a simplified registration flow, optimized bidding process, straightforward fare structure, and driver support for urgent situations like driver-rider mix-ups or app errors. Advanced functionality includes navigation basics, route preview with a bird's-eye view, speed alerts, default breaks for rest, and an SOS button for emergencies.

Read the full case here. 


The client received simplified architecture and an intuitive interface with customizable options. Also, the app has technology-focused safety features, providing drivers with more control and peace of mind. The client can track performance and other in-app operations with ease.

Auto Access - Digitalization and complete UX redesign


About the project and business

For over 20 years, Auto Access has supplied and converted various accessories for LCVs and Pick Ups in the B2B segment online. To increase revenue and maintain competitiveness in e-commerce, the company needed to expand its range of car parts. Additionally, they began targeting car owners, a new market for them.

Development objectives and challenges

The client’s admin panel was tedious, consuming 80% of marketing and sales time. Products and orders were desynchronized between the admin panel and ERP system. B2C users struggled to find products, leading to lost sales. That’s why our tasks included digitalizing of operations to streamline adding new products and boost productivity. Also, we needed to enhance the website for B2C clients with online payment, delivery tracking, extended product search, and improved UX.

Development process

We began with a workshop with the CEO and marketing specialist to understand the problem and target audience. We gathered and analyzed business and technical requirements, choosing Angular for the front-end and Node for the back-end to create a single database and synchronize with the ERP system.

We conducted competitive research and a UX audit, then created design prototypes for desktop and mobile versions. New features include ERP synchronization, filtration, duplication, and price management. The upgraded design allows dealers to view prices and access exclusive microsites, while end-users can easily find and purchase products. The marketing team can now create microsites from the admin panel, saving time and money.

Read the full case here. 


We modernized the admin panel processes for Auto Access employees and created an attractive, user-friendly website for both B2B and B2C audiences. We achieved our goals, resulting in a highly satisfying outcome for both our client and our team.

CRM for real estate


About the project and business

We worked with a U.S. client to develop management software for contractors and home improvement pros to automate routine processes. Our team created an all-in-one CRM system for sales, marketing, and management, integrating top productivity and accounting tools. Through discovery and design, we built a customer-centered CRM that met the needs of both our client and users.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai's team had to conduct a comprehensive discovery to align business goals with user needs, prepared technical requirements, and developed a product roadmap. We designed a user-centered CRM system with intuitive UX and a unique visual identity, ensuring it met industry standards and offered simple onboarding. We then built the custom CRM system and integrated it with top accounting and management solutions.

Development process

The project took 4 months for discovery and design and 8 months for development and testing.

During the CRM system development, we used our best practices and several key technologies to ensure reliability and feature richness. We used TypeScript for both front-end (React) and back-end (Node.js) to stabilize the source code and reduce maintenance costs. Amazon AWS was chosen as the primary cloud service provider with Kubernetes for efficient deployment. We utilized PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases for managing different data types. Swagger was employed for API documentation and testing, and we created a robust REST API as the main communication gateway.

Read the full case here. 


The client was very satisfied with the CRM system we developed. The system successfully managed 5 million jobs and facilitated $36 billion in total sales within the first 12 months. Additionally, it now has 24,000 active users, with the number continually growing. - Real Estate marketplace 


About the project and business

In Singapore, real estate agents dominate the sale of residential property, with top agents spending heavily on marketing. revolutionized this market with a mobile app that allows homeowners to choose from multiple agents. The app connects property owners and agents in a single marketplace, offering options, transparency, and control over commissions, helping owners get the best deal.

Development objectives and challenges

Artkai's team had to collect at one place all the tools for an effective launch, analysis, and optimization of advertising campaigns.

Development process

The project took 3 months for discovery and design and 3 months for development and testing.

Artkai’s team gathered industry insights to build a Customer Journey Map, determining the features for the MVP release. We developed a memorable brand identity, leveraging contrasting elements and creating warm, welcoming feelings with the color scheme. We designed different functions for property owners and real estate agents. In the admin panel, moderators can manage posted properties and users, and monitor the referral system. We integrated the app with CRM system, enabling the marketing team to track main events and send personalized emails.

Read the full case here. 


The client achieved remarkable outcomes from the project. They now have an application that helps property sellers find an agent five times faster than usual.'s average rating on app markets stands at 4.8 stars. Additionally, the cost of finding new customers for real estate agents dropped by 40%.

iFunded - An Investment Platform for Real Estate


About the project and business

iFunded, a German startup, aims to create an online investment marketplace for private and institutional investors, making real estate investing accessible, simple, transparent, and affordable. Investors can participate in selected real estate projects, while developers gain access to alternative financing and increased public awareness in the early project phase. iFunded collaborates with national and international developers, providing information on various real estate projects. Investors receive support in selecting projects, choosing investment strategies, and accessing continuous information and market reports.

Development objectives and challenges

Our tasks included building a web-based investing platform from scratch, combining the successful concept of crowd financing with technology, attractive investment opportunities, and a clean customer experience. Additionally, we were responsible for designing a new brand identity for iFunded and creating a new marketing website.

Development process

The project took 3.5 months for discovery and design and 7 months for development and testing.

We created a user-friendly investing platform with features including educating investors, quick investment flow, industry news updates, personalized dashboard access, simple registration, and detailed deal overviews. Additionally, we developed a stylish visual identity and designed a marketing website. For mobile, we ensured a seamless, intuitive experience, focusing on usability and credibility.

Read the full case here. 


The product greatly simplified a complex and stressful process, resulting in significant outcomes: 18 projects funded, a total project volume of 90 million euros, and 18 million euros raised capital.

Wrapping up

The demand for enterprise and business solutions is at an all-time high, with an increasing investment trend in developing and enhancing existing digital products. The total enterprise software revenue is forecasted to continue growing substantially. Leveraging our extensive experience in developing such solutions, we have curated a collection of the top 20 case studies showcasing our approach and the outcomes achieved by our clients. 

Our solutions span across diverse industries, from healthcare and real estate to travel and enterprise. With an in-house team of over 100 professionals, we are equipped to handle projects of any complexity, assisting clients in modernizing legacy software, developing new solutions, integrating cutting-edge technologies, and scaling their projects. 

You can explore our projects here: Artkai Portfolio. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business thrive in the digital age.

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