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MACH vs Monolithic Architecture: Which One is Better
Digital Transformation

June 20, 2023

MACH vs Monolithic Architecture: Which One is Better

When it comes to developing digital products, choosing the right architecture is crucial to project success. At Artkai, we've worked with various architectures and have extensive experience in building customer-centric products.

In this article, we'll compare MACH and monolithic architectures, discussing their key components, advantages, disadvantages, and scenario-specific implementation. We'll also provide real-world examples and case studies, culminating in our conclusion about which architecture is best suited for your needs.

Understanding MACH and monolithic architectures

Defining MACH architecture

MACH architecture stands for Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless. It's a modern architecture design that emphasizes modularization and flexibility. MACH architecture enables easy integration with other systems and allows developers to update specific components without affecting the entire system. In addition, it allows developers to leverage cloud technologies to promote scalability and rapid deployment.

The microservices component of MACH architecture allows for the creation of small, independent services that work together to form a larger system. This approach allows developers to break down complex applications into smaller, more manageable components, making them easier to develop and maintain. The API-first component of MACH architecture emphasizes the importance of APIs in modern software development. By designing applications with APIs in mind, developers can create flexible and scalable systems that can easily integrate with other systems.

The cloud-native component of MACH architecture emphasizes the use of cloud technologies to promote scalability and rapid deployment. By leveraging cloud technologies, developers can easily scale their applications up or down as needed, without having to worry about infrastructure management. The headless component of MACH architecture emphasizes the separation of the front-end and back-end components of an application. This approach allows developers to create flexible and scalable applications that can be easily customized to meet the needs of different users.

Defining monolithic architecture

Monolithic architecture, on the other hand, is a traditional approach to application development. It's based on a single codebase that contains all the application components, such as the user interface, business logic, and data access layer. Monolithic architecture is known for its simplicity and ease of development in small-scale applications. However, it can become challenging to maintain and scale as the application grows.

One of the main challenges of monolithic architecture is that all components of the application are tightly coupled. This means that any change to one component can have unintended consequences for the rest of the application. In addition, monolithic applications can become difficult to scale as they grow in size and complexity. This is because all components of the application must be deployed together, making it challenging to scale individual components independently.

Despite these challenges, monolithic architecture can still be a good choice for certain types of applications. For example, if an application is relatively small and simple, and is not expected to grow significantly in the future, monolithic architecture may be a good choice. In addition, monolithic architecture can be a good choice for applications that require a high degree of performance or security, as all components of the application can be optimized together.

Key components of MACH and monolithic architectures

When it comes to building software applications, choosing the right architecture is crucial. Two popular options are MACH and monolithic architectures. While both have their benefits and drawbacks, understanding the key components of each can help developers make informed decisions about which architecture to use in their projects.

Components of MACH architecture

MACH architecture is a modern approach to building software applications. It stands for Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native, and Headless. Let's take a closer look at each of these components.


A microservice architecture breaks down an application into smaller, independent services, designed to communicate via APIs. This allows developers to focus on individual components without affecting the entire system. Microservices can be developed and deployed independently, making it easier to scale and update the application.


An API-first approach prioritizes the design of application programming interfaces (APIs) before developing the user interface. This promotes the exchange of data between components, allowing them to function independently. APIs can be used to integrate with other systems, making it easier to create new features and functionalities.


Cloud-native architecture involves moving applications from on-premises servers to cloud environments. This approach delivers many benefits, including improved scalability, reliability, and flexibility. Cloud-native applications can be easily scaled up or down based on demand, making it easier to handle traffic spikes and changes in user behavior.


In a headless architecture, the frontend and backend components are separated, allowing developers to use different technology stacks for each component. This enhances flexibility and allows for quicker iteration. Headless architecture also makes it easier to create personalized experiences for users, as content can be delivered through various channels and devices.

Components of monolithic architecture

Monolithic architecture is a traditional approach to building software applications. It involves combining all application components into a single codebase. Let's take a closer look at the key components of monolithic architecture.

Single codebase

In monolithic architecture, the entire application is combined into a single codebase. This approach is easy to understand and manage in smaller applications. However, as the application grows, it can become challenging to maintain and update the codebase.

Shared data access

Data access is shared within the application, which can lead to performance bottlenecks and make it challenging to scale. Monolithic applications can also be more prone to downtime, as a failure in one component can bring down the entire application.

Single technology stack

All application components are developed using a single technology stack. This can limit the flexibility of the application and make it challenging to incorporate new technologies. Monolithic applications can also be more difficult to deploy and update, as changes to one component can affect the entire application.

Overall, both MACH and monolithic architectures have their benefits and drawbacks. Choosing the right architecture depends on the specific needs of the application and the goals of the development team. By understanding the key components of each architecture, developers can make informed decisions about which approach to use in their projects.

Advantages and disadvantages of MACH architecture

Scalability and flexibility

MACH (Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native SaaS, Headless) architecture is a modern approach to building digital products that emphasizes modularity and flexibility. This makes it simple to scale applications, allowing developers to optimize particular components of the system rather than the entire application. With MACH architecture, applications can be scaled independently, enabling updating and improving individual services without affecting the entire system. In this way, the MACH architecture provides scalability and flexibility to the digital products.

For example, imagine a company that wants to add a new feature to its e-commerce website. With MACH architecture, the developers can add a new microservice to handle the feature, without having to rebuild the entire website. This saves time and resources and allows the company to quickly respond to changing market demands.

Faster time to market

By using pre-built services and modules, MACH architecture promotes rapid deployment and faster time to market. It is possible to scale the application using cloud computing services, which allows developers to focus on building new features instead of managing infrastructure.

For example, imagine a startup that wants to launch a new mobile app. With MACH architecture, the developers can use pre-built modules for authentication, payment processing, and messaging, rather than building these features from scratch. This saves time and resources, allowing the startup to launch the app faster and gain a competitive advantage.

Easier integration with other systems

The microservices and API-first approach in the MACH architecture make it easy to integrate with other systems, providing flexibility to add third-party services or internal systems to the digital products. This allows companies to leverage existing systems and services, rather than building everything from scratch.

For example, imagine a company that wants to integrate its e-commerce website with a third-party shipping service. With MACH architecture, the developers can use APIs to connect the two systems, allowing customers to track their shipments directly from the website. This improves the customer experience and reduces the workload for the company's customer service team.

Potential challenges and drawbacks

Developing a successful MACH architecture requires appropriate resources and skills that are not always easy to find. Services need to communicate with each other, and they need to be deployed to be fully functional. This can be challenging for companies that are new to microservices and cloud-native architecture.

Additionally, the modular nature of the MACH architecture can make it difficult to maintain consistency across the entire system. Each microservice may have its own codebase and development team, which can lead to inconsistencies in design, functionality, and performance.

Despite these challenges, the advantages of MACH architecture make it a compelling choice for companies looking to build modern, scalable, and flexible digital products.

Advantages and disadvantages of monolithic architecture

Monolithic architecture is a traditional approach to building software applications, where all the components of the application are combined into a single executable file. While this approach has its advantages, it also has its drawbacks. Let's explore them in more detail.

Simplicity and ease of development

One of the main advantages of monolithic architecture is its simplicity and ease of development. Since all the components of the application are combined into a single executable file, it's easy to understand and develop. Moreover, finding developers with the appropriate skills is relatively straightforward, and it doesn't require specialized knowledge of deployment options and proprietary cloud technologies.

Developers can work on the application without worrying about the underlying infrastructure, and they can focus on writing code that meets the business requirements. This approach can save time and resources, especially for small to medium-sized projects.

Performance benefits

Another advantage of monolithic architecture is its performance benefits. Since all the components of the application are combined into a single executable file, the application can access shared data more efficiently. This leads to optimal use of computing resources, resulting in better performance.

Furthermore, monolithic architecture provides easy testing with a small number of tests that cover the entire application. This approach can save time and resources, especially during the testing phase of the software development life cycle.

Potential challenges and drawbacks

While monolithic architecture has its advantages, it also has its challenges and drawbacks. One of the main challenges of monolithic architecture is scaling the application while maintaining performance in a larger application.

As the application grows, it becomes harder to scale, and the dependency between services and a shared technology stack can make the application harder to maintain. Moreover, since all the components of the application are combined into a single executable file, any changes to one component can affect the entire application, making it harder to update and deploy.

Therefore, it's essential to consider the trade-offs between simplicity and scalability when choosing a software architecture for your project.

Comparing MACH and monolithic architectures in different scenarios

When it comes to choosing the right architecture for your application, there are several factors to consider. Two popular options are MACH and monolithic architectures. Let's take a closer look at how they compare in different scenarios.

Large-scale enterprise applications

Large-scale enterprise applications require a robust architecture that can handle a high volume of traffic, transactions, and data. This is where MACH architecture shines. It is designed to be scalable, flexible, and easily integrated with other systems. With MACH, you can add new features, functionalities, and third-party services without disrupting the existing system. This makes it an ideal choice for large enterprises that need to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs.

In contrast, monolithic architecture can be challenging to scale. It is a single, tightly-coupled system where all the components are interconnected. This means that any change in one component can impact the entire system. Monolithic architecture also has limitations in terms of flexibility. It can be challenging to modify or replace specific components without affecting the rest of the system.

Small to medium-sized businesses

For small to medium-sized businesses, a monolithic architecture may be a better choice. These applications typically don't require the scalability and flexibility provided by MACH architecture. Instead, they need a simple and straightforward architecture that is easy to develop and maintain. Monolithic architecture fits the bill perfectly. It is a self-contained system where all the components are tightly integrated. This makes it easy to develop, test, and deploy the application. It also simplifies maintenance since there are fewer moving parts to manage.

Startups and new projects

Startups and new projects have unique requirements. They need to develop and release a product quickly to gain market traction. This is where MACH architecture can be a game-changer. MACH architecture is designed for rapid and modular development. It allows you to develop and deploy new features and functionalities quickly without disrupting the existing system. This is critical for startups that need to iterate quickly and respond to customer feedback.

However, a monolithic approach can be used initially for startups and new projects. It is a simple and straightforward way to get started and test the product in the market. However, as the product expands and needs to scale, a monolithic architecture may become limiting. This is when you may need to switch to a more scalable and flexible architecture like MACH.

Transitioning from monolithic to MACH architecture

Assessing the need for change

Before transitioning from monolithic to MACH, we at Artkai suggest analyzing the product's needs and the existing architecture's limitations. The assessment should determine if the current architecture is scalable, flexible, and maintainable. If current limitations impact the product's capabilities, it's time to move to the MACH architecture.

Planning the transition

The key to a successful transition is to plan it carefully, considering the size of the application, dependencies, and all the services and components to move. Determine which services to move first and perform comprehensive testing to ensure that the services continue to function correctly.

Best practices for a smooth migration

During the migration, perform frequent tests, automating the build and deployment process. Utilize agile development practices to prioritize issues affecting users or affecting the application's functionality. Focus on developing services and modules that can become the foundation of the new architecture.

Some examples and case studies

We at Artkai have extensive experience building digital products using both MACH and monolithic architectures. Here are a few examples:

SaaS Platform for Digital Advertising

Our client had an established track record in digital advertising. Their idea was to create a tool that would fundamentally change the market. Despite the popularity and online advertising development, they still needed an aggregation service to streamline the procedure. The client asked the Artkai team to build a SaaS platform for digital advertising, which could also monitor money withdrawals and facilitate document movement.

We chose a microservice architecture since it ensures efficient development and streamlined maintenance. Moreover, we could create microservices concurrently and independently of one another. The only restriction was selecting an architecture of data-centric microservices using a single shared database. Each of them, however, still had its own unique set of entities.

The product had a soft launch involving end users to ensure all the connected services functioned correctly. After four months, we released the tool to the general public. Since then, the number of users, suppliers, and spending on advertising campaigns has continuously increased every month.

Our joint efforts resulted in remarkable outcomes for the client:

  • 685 users on the platform
  • 3.000+ tasks completed monthly
SaaS platform for the digital advertising-min

CoinLoan - Web-based P2P Lending Platform

Another project, CoinLoan's web-based P2P Lending Platform, used a monolithic architecture to deliver flexibility, ease of development, and performance. The application, capable of processing large amounts of data, resulted in a tremendous increase in business efficiency.

Our team improved the platform’s simplicity and usability. With the omnichannel experience in mind, Artkai created a customer journey map that considers interactions on the web, mobile, in-person branches, and marketing. With Artkai’s collaborative efforts, the client received:

  • An attractive, helpful, and informative website.
  • A comprehensive, secure, and straightforward platform.
  • Effortless and beneficial experience.
  • More than 100,000 active users on the platform.

Final Notes

Both MACH and monolithic architectures offer benefits and drawbacks, so the right choice depends on your product goals and needs. As a customer-centric digital product development agency with a proven track record, we at Artkai suggest thoroughly analyzing your business requirements and goals while building the product.

We specialize in building custom, quality digital products that meet your needs. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you develop digital products with the right architecture.

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